The SYMPHONY Consortium at the M18 meeting in Weiz. Copyright: Gerhard Krobath, WEIZ Innovation centre

Read mor about the M 18 results,  Copyright: SYMPHONY project

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Please contact Michèle Posch, the Dissemination Manager:

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Currently a publishable summary of the M 18 report of the SYMPHONY project is available. The project is now running since May 2020 and after completing some of the component developments the first integration trials are in progress as well as the first data transfer for the life cycle assessment.

Read more about the month 18 results in the summary as pdf.

The SYMPHONY solution will significantly reduce CO2 emissions by increasing the lifetime of wind turbines, making room heating/cooling more efficient, through presence and motion tracking smart floors and decreasing the energy consumption in e-bikes, through remote tube pressure control. The SYMPHONY printed technology can be integrated cost effectively in stretchable and flexible devices, representing a huge potential for usage in a wide range of further IoT-supported applications.

The SYMPHONY project started in May 2020 and has a duration of 4 years. Please, follow up at and stay updated about the upcoming project results!