SYMPHONY T-Shirt and Tubolito bicycle tube kit – for the three best Design Contest Applications

What does this competition aims for?
The aim of the SYMPHONY design contest is to stimulate and collect ideas for applications where the implementation of the SYMPHONY Energy Supply Platform (ESP) will be beneficial. The SYMPHONY project is targeting the implementation of the EAS in applications where the harvested energy is used to activate sensors for pressure, presence, and condition monitoring, and send relevant data via Bluetooth.
More information about the SYMPHONY ESP features are available on the Technologies page.
The applicants will have to provide examples of applications where the exploitation of diffuse energy from different sources (i.e., vibration, pressure, deformation, magnetic field, etc.) is beneficial, while considering also the other features offered by the SYMPHONY ESP and EAS (i.e., autonomous, wireless, printable on flexible/stretchable substrates, eco-sustainable, etc.).
It may help you with your application if you answer the following questions: Who are you solving the problem for? What are their needs? How do you solve them with your idea? And why do your work matters?
What can I win?
The 3 finalists will receive as prize the SYMPHONY T-Shirt and a bicycle tube kit including 2 Tubolito X-Tubo Tubes, 1 T-shirt and 1 water drinking bottle, kindly offered by the partner Tubolito (https://www.tubolito.com/).
How can I participate
The application form must be filled in and submitted via e-mail in digital format to symphony@joanneum.at within 23rd February 2024. Total size of your email should not exceed 5 MB. All entries must be in English, and attachments may be submitted in .pdf, .doc, docx, ppt, or .pptx formats.
The application forms will be evaluated by the SYMPHONY jury panel and the 3 finalists will be announced on 11th March 2024. The project ideas of the 3 finalists will be published on the SYMPHONY website (https://www.symphony-energy.eu/).
Please share this information also on your social media accounts!

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!
Project Coordinator
Dr. Jonas Groten
Joanneum Research (Austria)
Dissemination Manager
Michèle Isopp
Messfeld GmbH (Austria)